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We believe that parents are a vital part of our school community and warmly welcome parents to further participate in the life of our school.  Student learning is enhanced through a positive partnership between parents and teachers.  If you would like to become involved in school life please contact the front office.


There are many ways parents can play an active role in our school:

  • Become involved in your child’s classroom activities i.e. listening to children read, helping with craft activities or cooking, assisting with excursions etc. (talk to the class teacher who will be most grateful for assistance).

  • Join our Parents & Friends group who are involved in numerous enjoyable activities whilst fundraising for the school

  • Help in the Canteen

  • Assist in the Resource Centre

  • Volunteer to mentor a child

  • Enjoy the outdoors whilst helping with grounds maintenance or working bees

  • Support school events i.e. Sports Day, social functions etc.

  • Coaching or helping with school sports teams

  • Nominate as a member of Governing Council

Note: Volunteers are required to have a working with children check. Information can be provided by the principal or at the DCSI website,


Who is the Governing Council, what do they do and how can I join?

The Governing Council is comprised of the Principal, Assistant Principal for the Centre of Deaf Education staff representative and parent representatives who are elected for two year terms.  Elections for the Governing Council take place at the Annual General Meeting, which is held early each year.

The Governing Council is responsible for overseeing the financial management of the school and for advising (as the representatives of the whole school community) on matters such as facilities, policies and priorities. 

Governing Council meetings are held twice a term, usually in Weeks 3 and 8. 


Most meetings are open and any parent may attend as an observer/visitor.


The Governing Council is the forum through which all members of our school community can have a say in the direction of the school.


The Governing Council has a number of subcommittees which all deal in more detail with specific areas of school management. All subcommittees report back and make recommendations to the Governing Council. 


Involvement is open to all parents and staff. You do not need to be on the Governing Council to be on a subcommittee.


Please contact either Governing Council Chairperson or Principal for information.



Klemzig School hosts free Auslan classes for families of the Klemzig School community. The lessons are held on Thursday mornings, 9:15am to 10:00am.

What you can expect to learn:

  • basic Auslan vocabulary

  • the alphabet in Auslan

  • functional language

  • Deaf culture

  • practice conversing with a Deaf person.

For more information or to book into a class please contact Nicole in the Front Office.

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